Panga Media Analytics blog

Microstock assets search-ranking

Metadata; keywording, titles and even subtitles or descriptions. It’s the pain in the ass of every microstocker (and many other professions). But you have been paid off with a top-ranking asset after doing all this work. What happens to the search ranking of this asset over time? I’ve been following a few top-ranking assets and
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Rise of Adobestock revenue

In the last year or so, Adobestock has been performing increasingly better. Both videos and photos sales are showing an increase month over month. Consequently, Adobestock is becoming the highest earning microstock agency for quite some people. However, not everybody tells the same tale; most likely the difference between video and photo performances skews the
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A comparison of third party microstock analysis applications

This is custom heading element Tired of visiting the dashboard of every single agency just to check your earnings? That where third-party microstock applications for analyses come in handy. Those applications check your microstock earnings automatically and often have extra features to analyze those earnings. The downside is of course that you usually have to
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Portfolio Health

While writing about RPD, RPI and PS I missed out on a very important feature. Your portfolio health (PH), yet another term in microstock. I’ve heard other people talking about hitting the wall, from which moment you can keep adding and adding assets to your portfolio without earning more. Others had a horrible surprise of
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RPI & RPD: the golden microstock statistics

As I earn my money with microstock, I follow some forums to keep up to date with the latest news. While reading through the new posts, the terms Revenue Per Image (RPI) and Revenue Per Download (RPD) are used quite often to indicate important microstock statistics. However, those simple statistics are often misinterpreted or not
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Panga Media Analytics – a microstock (Analytics) blog

Today, I will write an introduction to this blog series for the of PangaMedia-Analytics application. ‘Who am I’ & ‘Why this blog?’ is the very reason to make this introduction. Who Am i? I’m a successful microstocker. What do I mean with successful: for me, it means that I can live of the earnings I
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